I typically recommend laboratory testing at the first visit because it takes the guesswork out of your treatment plan and ensures that you are getting the best possible care for what your body needs.

Below is a list of the common tests I use in my practice.


  • Mediator release test (MRT) by Oxford Biomedical Technologies directly measures inflammatory reactions to foods. It measures the release of cytokines, histamine, leukotrienes and prostaglandins from immune cells. It also identifies the best foods for you, which are the foods that your body reacts the least to, and generates an anti-inflammatory diet plan for you called LEAP.

    IgG food sensitivity test by Rocky Mountain Analytical is an indirect method of determining inflammatory reaction to foods. When your body is sensitive to a food, IgG antibodies are released, which bind to the food antigens, creating antigen-antibody complexes. Macrophages typically remove these complexes but if these complexes are present in large quantities and the food is continuing to be consumed, they can accumulate and be deposited in body tissues. Once they get into your tissues, they can trigger inflammation.

  • BiomeFx Microbiome Stool Test by Microbiome Labs is a comprehensive assessment of the gut microbiome. It doesn’t just show pathogenic organisms that need to be eliminated, it also shows the diversity of different species, dysbiosis ratios, and how the gut microbiome functioning. There’s certain indicators that are typically imbalanced in autoimmunity so it’s a very specific way to address microbial imbalance.

  • MycoTox Profile by Great Plains Laboratory screens a urine sample for 7 different mycotoxins from 40 different species of mold. If there is mold present in the body, it tells exactly which mold species is the culprit, which is important for treatment.

  • EliSpot test by Armin Labs is a highly sensitive test compared to the standard ELISA test and it can reveal chronic Borrelia burgdorferi infections, not just acute.